S.O.S.tainable Policy
More than a checklist, a manifesto “Justamente en estos momentos en que la confusión reina terriblemente en la atmósfera…” [...]
A landscape’s short tautology We have confronted the use of terms like Abya Yala, Cem Anahuac or Pacha, among
Quick travel guide for you to visit Guaviare’s large tourist offer. We advise you to spend at least 3 days, ideally one week.
Let’s talk about some interactions generated between tourist activities and paleolithic rock art in La Lindosa plateau, San Jose del Guaviare.
The day Colombia ceased to be #1 in birdwatching. 2021 led to atypical results in Global Big Day for the Colombian context.
An interpretation exercice of the region after its appellation to opening this web site and this blog entries section.